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To know further about alfons rodríguez check it out at your choice...

Stock photography from  95 countries of 6 continents. Don' t hesitate to ask me about any destination you need. I' ll send you a large selection of pictures on request, concerning landscape, anthropology, wildlife, traditions, cultures, archaeology, History, portraits, daily life, religion, etc.


Alfons Rodriguez interviews and press on TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, Internet...



Maybe are you interested in some of my workshops, lectures, masterclass. Perhaps you would like to know about my exhibitions, jury, etc...just enter here!



Genocides around the world from the XX century. I' m working on right now.

Shortly a full website dedicated.


This is the NGO I joined in 2010. One of the most interesting initiatives I have ever seen in my life. Now, I represent S4C in Spain, toghether with some others collegues. Change the World with a click.


In 2008 I founded, together with some collegues,  a multidisciplinary organization. An open  window to our planet, places, peoples and how they interact each others. Eyes on the Earth...


Doubts, thoughts, you want to debate about photography in the most broaden meaning of the word ?. Just join us!

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